
Friday, June 7, 2013

Chapter 3: The Third Trimester- Week 28


Dear Brookelynn,

Wow, I can't believe we only have three more months to go before we meet you, I can't wait!  This week you are the size of a Chinese cabbage and are about 14.8 inches long weighing in at 2.25 pounds.  Your growth continues to amaze me!  Your brain has developed more tissue and you have developed a more regular sleep schedule...well, that's what they say.  You can blink your eyes and you even have eyelashes, I'm pretty sure they are long and thick thanks to your genetics from Mommy and Daddy.  Your eye sight is developed more, as well.  You may even be able to see light through my womb.  

As for mommy, I continue to have hot flashes and I'm slightly nauseated if I eat too early or certain foods. But, I do have to say my appetite has increased over the last's catch up time now that we are on the home stretch! Oh and I have restless leg syndrome (not really anything new for me, but new to the pregnancy symptom list) and I can't seem to get comfortable, lugging around these extra pounds is hard work! 

Well, I managed to get everything done, purchased and ready to go before the third trimester started so now we just have to fill in those little gaps and we are all set to meet you Miss Brookelynn (we even selected your theme song, Hey Pretty Girl, by Kip Moore)...just don't arrive too soon! -XOX! 


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