
Friday, February 22, 2013

A Strong Heart Beat: Week 13


Dear Baby B,

Well, another week of feeling puny has come and gone, however today was worth all the icky-ness in the world! We got to hear your heart beat for the very first time and hear you swim around. Your heart beat was strong and ranged between 162 and 166 beats per minute. According to old wives tales, 140+ beats per minute indicates that you are a girl...but we still have to wait and see. I'm either going to prove all the wives tales to be completely true or completely false. But, whatever you are you will be perfect.

I absolutely love my new doctor by the way. She is bubbly and very energetic. And incredibly patient she really put my mind at ease and assured me I'm completely normal to have anxiety over doctor appointments, especially gynecology ones. She also told me how she knew you were going to be extremely smart. That was great news to hear. I can't wit to see what you look like and what your little personality is like. I'm sure you will be everything I have dreamed of and more.

Though, I still have not gained any weight you continue to grow. This week you are the size of a peach (2.9 in. & .81 oz.). Up until now your head has been gigantic, but you are a little more in proportion now. Your finger prints have formed and you are inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid as well.

Hopefully, we have a healthier week (but the doctor assures me we are both fine and healthy, extremely healthy) but of course we will just take this day by day! -XOX!


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