Dear Baby B,
There is much to tell you this week, which is why I am a day late writing to you; this week has been full of stress and uncertainties (more than I should share), but the biggest news is that I resigned from my job as a Marketing Coordinator. At the end of this month I will be a full time stay-at-home mom to be. Because I was so sick and missing so much work, I felt it was better for me to give my notice early. I'm excited that we will get to spend so much time together.
In other news, I had to visit the dentist this week because I thought I broke a molar on a "Preggy" pop. False alarm, luckily. A little fluoride, and it's good as new.
Then there was a rushed visit to the doctor due to a suspected UTI (urinary tract infection), but proved to be another false alarm. Seems that all my extremely cloudy urine and lack thereof was just dehydration. Nothing some extra fluids could not fix.
We did finally get to watch the last movie for the Twilight Saga, if your like your mom you will love vampire movies and reading/watching dark, mysterious romances. Vampires can be our thing! Your "Grand Dad" also likes vampires, his favorite is The Vampire Diaries. Mine too!
I'm still nauseated, gagging, and haven't gained a pound...but it seems my belly popped out overnight last night. I think I officially woke up looking pregnant. Oh and with a few new blemishes as well! I had to do laundry early because only certain underwear actually fit me now. But, yesterday they all fit! My belly seems to be high and very spread out. I also have formed the "famous" linea Nigeria line, it only reaches my belly button luckily...people say this means your a girl...maybe you are...maybe your not but on March 13th we will know for sure. We scheduled a 4D ultra sound for that day, and I hope you cooperate!
This week you are the size of a lemon 3.4 inches long, weighing 1.5 oz. Your face is well defined and you are able to make expressions. You may even be sprouting some hair. But, the most exciting part is that I can feel you move around. You get extremely happy when I eat and act like a chow hound like Miss Paisley! Well, and your mom on a normal non-pregnancy day!
I hope after a long chat with God that we can put this week behind us and move forward with a little less stress, I have a theory that if I experience every obstacle I can tolerate while pregnant that maybe labor and delivery will be a piece of cake and I'll be saying "What's the big deal about that?" I can dream...right? -XOX!
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