
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Chapter 2: We Made A Baby Bump


Dear Baby B,
Yesterday was the 18th (18 is my lucky number) and guess what? You’re here. You’re actually here! I’m still in shock and I can’t believe it. I’m so happy and can’t wait to feel you start growing. Your already making Mommy’s pants a little to snug! Nothing a belly belt can’t fix though. –XOX!

P.S. We are telling Grandpa and Grandma tonight!


Dear Baby B,
Well, I didn’t get the reaction that I thought I would when we told your grandparents. They were not mad, just a little bit shocked. Well, I can understand why, since we did not tell them we were trying. I guess it would be pretty shocking.

We gave them the silver fortune cookie with small crystal diamonds covering it. In the inside the fortune read, the best parents get promoted to grandparents. I think we will give them a few days to adjust to the news.


Dear Baby B,

Merry Christmas!  We are so happy that you are here.  And everyone seems to have adjusted to the shock of the news of your arrival.  You are four weeks and 4 days old and less than .1 in or the size of a poppy seed, which is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence and you weigh less than .04oz.  You have officially become an embryo and are busy implanting yourself into your new home in Mommy’s belly.  I feel about the same, other than I have to leave my pants unbuttoned.  But, you are worth it.  –XOX!


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