
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 6


Dear Baby B,
Happy New Year! What an exciting year this will be with you coming this August. Today you are 6 weeks old and are growing faster and faster. You are .25in and are the size of a pea. You still weigh less than .04oz but I love you so much. You are rapidly growing and will triple in size this week. Your basic facial features, such as, your eyes and ears are becoming more developed and your tiny heart is starting to pump blood. The tissue that will develop into your backbone, ribs, and muscles has also started to develop.

I have gained about two pounds since you have hoped on board. I have had some cravings too, before I knew about you a few weeks ago, all I could think about was how yummy pineapple would be, that is what I was craving before I took the test to find out you are on your way. (By the way, Daddy and I took another test a week ago, because we couldn’t believe this was actually happening). Well, since the pineapple days I have been craving green beans, lots and lots of green beans. Oh and chocolate, oh for the love of chocolate. And the strangest of all scrambled eggs and your grandpa (Excuse me Grand Dad makes the world’s best eggs!)

So you caught on to the whole Grand Dad thing, well your Grandpa wants to be called Grand Dad, don’t ask me why but he thinks its pretty awesome, but we will see about that! Oh yea, and Grandma will be Glammy (we really like that one!). So, what else has been going on with me…Well, I had to call sick to work yesterday, you were really messing with Mommy’s tummy and I just did not feel good at all. Oh and you are messing with my sleep because I am exhausted (maybe its all the cleaning I have been doing as well, but we must be organized before you arrive…your dad needs a lot of help but Glammy is to the rescue!). –XOX!


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